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Get Ready for Rome!

Bringing Order to Chaos in the Eternal City

Jul 29, 2021

While the beauty of Raphael's School of Athens is widely appreciated, we today probe the controversial idea behind it.

Jul 22, 2021

The Vatican Museums can boast the world's most beautiful frescoes, but just what is a fresco?

Jul 20, 2021

We begin our look inside the Vatican Museums with an introduction to the deservedly most famous fresco of the four Raphael Rooms. In the background, I wonder whether modern universities are still moved by the ideal it represents.

Jul 15, 2021

Friars are not monks, and the Catholic Church includes many different sub-groups or orders. Does this matter?

Jul 13, 2021

The Warrior Pope was also the first patron of the Vatican Museums. Why would a pope want to make public the nude statues of pagan artists and the books of pagan thinkers?